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Music Submission Form

You are able to electronically send your Music Audio Files here. The files must be submitted using the guidelines above. The latest date for electronic submission of music files is one week prior to the competition start date. If there is less than a week before the first day of the competition you will need to bring your music to the registration desk on a CD for submission.

  • Please complete the form below to submit your music and the copyright information to WAFSC for a competition.
  • Acceptable Formats: mp3, mp4, m4a, wma
  • The file is to be named as follows (with no full stops, dashes only)
    • (surname) (first name) (Division) (segment) (running time)
    • for eg. Mouse Mickey Junior Men SP 2-50.mp3    |    Duck Daisy Novice Ladies FS 2-54.mp3
  • One mp3 file per skating program
  • If a skater is competing in both Junior and Senior, they are to submit two programs for each division's short program and named appropriately
  • If you don't receive an email confirming that your file was received within two days, please resend your files. 

Music Submission Form

File size is too big!